
un mundo iluminado

A Long Long Song

año:, isbn: 0-374-34638-0, signatura: 315



Así comienza

As I was going along, long, long,
A-singing a comical song, song, song



He comes out of the winter, leading his band of rambunctious little creatures. In a New England village, they organise a show, just for themselves, in the dark of the night.
Until dawn, these merry acrobats and musicians perform on the steps of the town hall.
Then their leader returns to the wilderness, marching through the seasons, while his creatures go on playing in the tall summer grass.
In this interpretation of a simple nursery rhyme, Etienne Delessert has created a mesmerising visual fable. In lush and detailed pictures, A Long Long Song tells of someone special who appears out of nowhere and leaves his mark behind.

Palabras clave

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