
un mundo iluminado

What do you say, dear?

año:, isbn: 0-06-443112-6, signatura: 331




Así comienza

You are downtown and there is a gentleman giving baby elephants to people…



What do you say when:
• you bump into a crocodile on a crowded city street?
• a nice gentleman introduces you to a baby elephant?
• the Queen feeds you so much spaghetti that you don’t fit in your chair anymore?
This is the funniest book of manners you’ll ever read!

«Delightfully absurd situations and elegant and exceedingly funny illustrations. For this encyclopedia of manners, there is just one thing possible to say and that is, Thank you, thank you very much.»
— The Kirkus Reviews

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© Fernanda Medina. …quieres hablar conmigo?