
un mundo iluminado

The Way to Start a Day

año:, isbn: 978-0-689-71054-4, signatura: 393




Así comienza

The way to start a day is this—
Go outside
and face the east
and greet the sun
with some kind of
or chant
or song…


«Throughout the book Baylor gives examples of cavemen and cavewomen, of Peruvian Indians, of Egyptians and others who have celebrated the dawn — with drum beats, ringing of bells, gifts of gold or flowers — different people in different ways. ParnalPs glittering paintings alternate between swirling shapes in the vibrant hues of the sunrise and strong, equally stunning geometries that depict Pharaohs, Indians, Congolese, and all whom Baylor offers as examples in this beautiful work.» —Publishers Weekly

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