
un mundo iluminado

Zlateh the goat and other stories

año:, isbn: 0-06-440147-2, signatura: 320




Así comienza

SOMEWHERE, sometime, there lived a rich man whose name was Kadish. He had an only son who was called Atzel. In the household of Kadish there lived a distant relative, an orphan girl, called Aksah. Atzel was a tall boy with black hair and black eyes. Aksah was somewhat shorter than Atzel, and she had blue eyes and golden hair. Both were about the same age. As children, they ate together, studied together, played together. Atzel played the husband; Aksah, his wife. It was taken for granted that when they grew up they would really marry.



Chelm is a village of fools. The most famous fools—the oldest and the greatest—are the seven Elders. But there are lesser fools too: a silly irresponsible bridegroom; four sisters who mix up their feet in bed one night; a young man who imagines himself dead. Here are seven magical folktales, spun by a master storyteller, that speak of fools, devils, shlemiels, and even heroes—like Zlateh the goat.

«Singer and Sendak for all ages—how simple, how perfect! The first, ‘Fool’s Paradise,’ and the last, the title story, are masterpieces.»
— The Kirkus Reviews

«Beautiful stories for children, written by a master.»
— The New York Times

«Timeless tales with their subtle wisdom and universal appeal. Perfect read-aloud fare for families.»
—Parents’ Magazine

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